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South Pike School District Accountability Rating and Strategic Plan Now Available

Attention all South Pike School District families and community members! 

We are excited to announce that the Accountability Rating and Strategic Plan are now available to the public. As many of you may know, Mississippi's education system has an annual grading system on an A - F scale to keep teachers, school leaders, parents, and communities informed of how well their local schools and districts are performing.

We are proud to share that South Pike School District's accountability rating has risen from a C to a B. This progress is a result of the hard work and dedication of our students, teachers, and staff.

The Strategic Plan for growth and development outlines the plans that will be implemented to reach our 4 main goals of Academic Success, School and Community Engagement, Safe and Orderly Schools, and Fiscal Accountability. We believe that with everyone's support and collaboration, we can continue improving and providing our students the best education possible.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the members of our Eagle family for their continued support and dedication to EXCELLENCE. Let's keep soaring high together!



Edit: Information in the post that erroneously reported South Pike School District's accountability rating had been "raised from a C to a D" has been corrected. We sincerely thank our community members for alerting us to this error.