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Read Across America Week with South Pike High School Seniors and Eva Gordon Lower Elementary

A fantastic group of South Pike High School seniors, including Tedarrius Aych, Chrishell Carral, Tykia Cockerham, Alannah Pittman, Kaylynn Grady, and Terry Grady Jr., have truly embodied the spirit of giving back and spreading the love for reading. They dedicated their time to visiting Pre-K and Kindergarten classes, bringing with them the magic of stories and the joy that comes from exploring new worlds through literature. 🌟📚

Their enthusiasm for reading and commitment to our little learners has not only made this week unforgettable but also served as a shining example of how we can all contribute to nurturing a brighter future. These seniors have shown us the incredible impact of community involvement and the endless possibilities that come from sharing a story.

Let's give a big round of applause for these amazing volunteers! 👏💖 Their actions remind us that no matter our age, we all have the power to inspire, educate, and make a positive difference. Here's to more reading, learning, and growing together! 🌍📚

